Submission :
Authors must submit the manuscript in .doc or .docx format in French or in English by e-mail (journal submission e-mail address).
• Authors should ensure that tables and figures/plates are sent in separate files. Images in individual files. Tables in the same file. Images are sent in jpg or png format.
• Each article must contain two summaries: one in French and one in English.
• Email for submission:
• Accepted articles will be open access.
• Copyright under CC BY-NC 4.0 license. This license allows you to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. It also allows to adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. For more details please click here
• When the article is accepted, the authors must complete the copyright form for the Tunisian journal of dentistry or TJD, sign it and return it to the executive editor by e-mail: journal-of Download the copyright form in English
• The authors will receive a final version just before publication by e-mail and in pdf format which they must validate by sending a validation e-mail to executive editor

Method of submission:
Authors should submit the manuscript in .doc or .docx format via email.
• Authors are strictly requested not to submit plagiarized or of previously published article anywhere.
• Accepted articles will be recognized and processed further. If the author does not receive the status of the article within 07 days from the date of submission, please inquire by email.
• Acceptance or rejection of the manuscript would be decided after the decision of the author. editorial team.
Manuscript preparation:
Authors are requested to write the article category (original research article, short communication, review article, case report) under which they wish to publish it.
• Authors/co-authors should write their email id on the title page along with full details of their affiliation (current work address with designation).
• Authors should keep their manuscripts as short as possible.
• The page number should appear in the lower left corner of each page, starting with the title page.
• The name of the author/co-author or any other identification should not appear anywhere in the body of the manuscript to facilitate blind review by the committee.
We accept manuscripts in the following categories:
• Original research articles
• Literature review
• Short communications/focus
• Report/case study or clinical case
Manuscript instructions:
Please communicate with us electronically and send your manuscript as an attachment as a .doc or .docx file. PDF format not accepted.
Manuscripts should be prepared using font size 12, Arial and Styles-No Spacing; Layout: margins (regular – 1″ on all sides), size (A4 – 8.27″ * 11.69″) and left-aligned. All pages should be numbered in order. Manuscripts should be written in good scientific language, standard nomenclature and international units should be used. Authors are requested to write the article category (original research article, short communication, review article, case report) under which they wish to publish it.
Originality: All articles submitted for publication in TJD must be original. Submission must be made exclusively to TJD and must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The first author must certify to this effect. Any author/s found to falsify or mislead editors will be disqualified from future submissions to TJD.
Submission: The article should be submitted under the following headings in a single file.
• Authors name (write FULL NAME in order)
• Details of affiliation (current work address with designation), email ID of all authors/co-authors.
• ABSTRACT (250 words per language in English and in French)
• KEYWORDS (preferably according to Mesh in English and in French)
General instructions:
Articles should be submitted with the understanding that they have not been published anywhere and are not currently reviewed by another journal. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the publication of the article has been approved by all other co-authors. It is also the responsibility of the authors to ensure that articles originating from a particular institution are submitted with the necessary approval of the competent authority of the institution concerned. Correspondence and additional material will be sent to the corresponding author before publication, unless otherwise specified. It is a condition for submitting an article that the authors allow editing of the article for readability. Inclusion and deletion of authors' names will not be permitted after the materials for publication have been prepared. For any additional information concerning the publication of submitted/accepted articles, please send an e-mail to